Category Archives: MethodR

Books to read: “Mastering Oracle Trace Data, Second Edition” with Cary Millsap

The “Mastering Oracle Trace Data” from Cary Millsap is a great book about performance in general, and about how to work with trace data. The second edition have several new chapters adding valuable knowledge to both developers and DBAs. This is one of the books that you really should have in your bookshelf.

Ora-600 when setting OCSID.DBOP tag with JDBC to a value larger than 29 byte

There is now a patch (17931569) for bug 18155614: “SR 3-9692688071 : Ora-600 when setting OCSID.DBOP tag with JDBC to a value larger than 29 byte” In version the following code fails with an ORA-00600 when ran in SQLPlus:

OUGN 2014 & the “Mastering Oracle Trace Data” class with Cary Millsap

My first OUGN seminar on Color Magic is over. Here is a summary of what it included. I’m truely coming back next year! The 2nd of April: Mastering Oracle Trace Data, Cary Millsap One day with Cary Millsap. How cool is that? I know this is the kind of words my 11 year old daughter […]

Removing idle “SQL*Net message from client” waits from trace

One important task when working with Oracle trace is to distinguish between idle and significant “SQL*Net message from client” waits. Default, MethodR defines waits above 1 second as “think time”. These waits are usually identified as idle waits. For instance – in an application using a connection pool, the sessions will be waiting for a […]